Kerrang - analysis - contents page

This page is very informative but at the same time is fun and edgy. It keeps in the theme of the music genre and style.
This contents page shows images of the double page spread, I can see how this could be a useful concept to entice the reader, however I don't think I will use it for my own magazine, as I don't want there to be an overload of information and want there to be a surprise element to the double page spread. 
I like the editors message, as it adds an almost art behind the magazine, and connects the reader to the magazine. I would like to use this in my own magazine.
I like how the page numbers are different colours to the title/story.
I like the idea of having the stories separated into sub sections to make it easier for the reader to navigate through the magazine. However I don't really like the names of the subsections.
I like how there is a nigger image on the top of the page and then multiple little images on the lower half of the page, which separates the text up also.


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