Contents page - (1)Kerrang

Contents page analysis 

This contents page is in a block format, creating an impact and punk style. Also the font style is very clear and therefore easy to read.
There is also a colour scheme, throughout the contents page of yellow, black and read.
The contents is located on the right hand side. I like the common colour theme through there also.It uses yellow for the title of the subject and black for the background, and red for the number and black for the topic.

Image result for kerrang contents page

The image is located to the left of the screen and fills up a lot of the page.
Also on the contents page there is win a prize opportunity - however I don't think id use this on my own magazine as I believe it makes it look a bit less professional and classy.

But they link the competition to the band ; 'Metallica kill e'm with vans!',this benefits the reader as they have the opportunity to benefit  more than just buying a magazine.

I like the text at the bottom of the page, as it gives an insight into the magazine editor and offers a relationship between the reader and editor.I really like this idea because in a way its like an artist explaining their work,which makes the magazine more special.I will definitively consider using it in my magazine.


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