Front cover - NME - Jimi Hendrix

Front cover -NME - Jimi Hendrix 

 I reallyu like the use of colour in this front cover design. I like how Jimi hendrix face is in black and white but hius clothes are really colourful.

I also like the way text is written around his body in a freehand-style font
This magazine also has a colour sheme of pink purple and black and white, which i belive are interesting colours and it subverts the stereotype of women being the only gender assoiciated with pink.

 This is a popular rock and metal magazine in the UK. It will give me inspiration for my own magazine on how to layout my front cover, contents page and double-page spread. It will give me ideas on what camera angles and shots to use so as to attract readers. It will also show me what colours and fonts are appropriate to use for my magazine.:


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