Preliminary task

 Preliminary task 

Before we began our music magazines, we had to complete a preliminary task, to create a front cover and contents page of a school magazine. Including the codes and conventions of a school magazine.

We first of all researched other examples of school magazines, as inspiration. I found that the images chosen were usually 1-4 teenagers on the front cover with smiling faces.They were usually in the background setting of the school thus making it relevant to the magazine.

We were told to take a medium close up for the image on the front cover.This allows the persons uniform to be in shot and you are able to read the expression of the person.

I chose a simple snappy name for a title, 'scoop' related to the idea of getting the scoop of information. 
I chose 6 stories to put on the front cover, this allows the reader to get a feel for what the magazine is about however doesn't overwhelm them at the same time.
I chose to use a few other images on the cover as I thought it made it more colourful, bright and visually interesting as well as informative.

I used a blue and white colour scheme as it was bright ; representing positivity and also the colours link to the schools logo.

For the contents page, I used the same blue and white colour scheme to present the magazine as being consistent and professional.

This is something I think I will consider for my music magazine to have a colour scheme which follows throughout each page.And chose it to represent my style of magazine and target audience.
If I were to improve this cover page I would maybe consider using a border to make it more professional looking.This is something I could consider in my music magazine.

I chose the hexagonal shape to fit my photos together, to offer an interesting visual concept and it could all represent how the school fits together and flows well.

I gave each topic a little summary to interest the reader and tried to make the titles had alliteration and catchy/interesting.I made the summaries sound exciting to interest readers on all topics which they wouldn't usually read.I feel like you have to act as if your selling the topic,and giving it a small preview.

Also I used images relevant to each story/ topic in the magazine.I chose a mixture of action and still image shots to add a variety for peoples eyes to be attracted too.
In my music magazine I would like to include a variety of styles of photos and possibly change how many people are in the shots if any at all.


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