Front cover (2) - NME - Lana Del Rey

Front cover - NME 

In this front cover, the creator of this magazine has decided to entice the reader with names of famous people above the story which they are in. This allows the readers attention to be drawn to the name before the story, and as they are famous people it will catch someones eyes quicker as they will be able to identify the celebrities quicker.

The main image is positioned central on the page, to be the main focus.I like the positioning of Lana Del Ray and the rebellious/confident pose she is holding.It shows her personality, makes her character seem more interesting and possibly reveals about what kind of music she makes.I will consider using  a statement pose on my front cover,to reveal the alternative/ rule breaking? nature of my magazine and music genre.(Its different to  the usual generic pose of smiling thus, making the front cover look more interesting and stand out from over magazine front covers).

The story headings are quite vague,making the reader questioning what its about and thus compelled to read on. I will try and use this in my own magazine, to convince the reader to read the magazine.

Also the front cover has an incentive of getting free posters if you buy this magazine of very famous people/bands.Personally I believe this offers another reason for the possible reader to buy the magazine, however I also am unsure if it takes away from style and sophistication of a magazine,and makes it look cheap in a way.Because it shows that the content may be overlooked.

Words are used mainly in this front cover design with a 'plus' section at the bottom of the page.This

I also like the colour scheme of this magazine front cover a lot. The scheme is white , black and light blue. The white and black is classy and bold , however the light blue adds a bit more energy an style and just somehow works with the cover. I think as well it also subverts the stereotype that woman/females are associated with the colour pink and men/males are associated with blue. Again this shows that this magazine/ style/ genre of music breaks rules, and tells us more about the culture which of the magazine and its politics which may appeal to certain people, e.g - more liberal , equality, etc.
 More over the light blue subtly links in with Lana Del Rey's nail polish therefore creating a stylish slow/connection between the titles and the image, done very stylishly. I would like to take inspiration from this idea and possibly use a subtle colour on my main image of the front cover and link it into the rest of the colour scheme and titles.

The use of language in the quote from Lana Del Rey, is very interesting 'psycho' suggests someone veining crazy out of control, etc. Making the reader again interested in why she has been described as a psycho. It is also a bold statement , allowing the magazine to be seen as bold, and able to take risks.


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